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Are You Ready To STOP Wasting Time On Social Media 
And Get Coaching Clients FAST?

Are You Ready To STOP Wasting Time On Social Media And Get Coaching Clients FAST?

Claim A FREE Copy Of Coaching Business Secrets To Get $1,500+ Coaching Clients Every Week In Your Spare Time… WITHOUT Daily Posting, Social Media Followers, Or Needing An Existing Program To Sell

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 PLUS, Get 7 FREE Bonuses Not Available Anywhere Else

What Is

Coaching Business Secrets will show you how to make 10k, 20k, 30k a month from scratch…

…even if you’re a beginner coach and don’t have bucket loads of followers, case studies or experience.

See, if you’re a coach or consultant who’s struggling to get clients?

It’s NOT you or your coaching that’s the problem!

In fact?

There are 3 Business Problems holding you back:

  • Your offer and messaging isn’t landing so you’re not getting consistent lead flow.
  • Your sales process is broken.
  • Your delivery is taking too much time, so you’re not getting fast and consistent client results.

Which is why…

When you instantly download Coaching Business Secrets…

You’ll see how we fix each of these core problems so you can start landing $1,500+ clients every week.

For example, you’ll excitedly finish reading knowing how to:

  • Fix your offer and messaging to call out an ideal client with an ideal problem.
  • Fix your sales process to close pre-qualified clients paying $1,500+ from one Zoom call.
  • Fix and automate your delivery so you get amazing client results without working 35-40 hours a week.

I know that sounds like an awful lot…

But here’s the thing:

We can do all that and much more…

By Automating The Lead Flow And Focusing Down On The SALES process!

Which is the quickest way to get paying clients, get them amazing results…

And then leverage those results into MORE clients!

I know you can do it, because I’ve done it…

And I’ve coached thousands of people and we have thousands of case studies. 


The funny thing is?

There’s nothing “special” about me AT ALL. 

I got three “E’s” at school!

The only difference between me and you is that I simplified the approach:

  • There’s no need to be on every single social media platform.
  • There’s no need to post daily content.
  • And there’s NO NEED to create courses and coaching programs before you’ve even got a client!

I explain exactly what to do instead inside Coaching Business Secrets…

So you can hit whatever figure you want in your coaching or consultancy business…

WITHOUT wasting time on social media, getting stressed and overwhelmed with information, and without giving up any more family time…


176-Page Book

Save time and build a coaching business you LOVE without burning out! Follow the simple 3 step approach I outline in Coaching Business Secrets and get high paying clients FAST… without being overwhelmed by social media.

Bonus 1: The Secret Webinar Formula

Most coaches FAIL at webinars because they don't understand the critical way to structure a presentation. Use this hidden formula to land multiple clients all at once AND create better results for your clients.

Bonus 2: Group Coaching Secrets

Shhhhh! Listen in because this bonus alone could transform your coaching biz. Use this training to run group coaching sessions that actually get your client results... and take the lid OFF your income!

Bonus 3: Case Study - $28k From One Webinar

See how new online coach Sarah made $28k from her first webinar even though she’d never done one before and was launching a brand new program. 

Bonus 4: Case Study - $50k With No Experience

Stefan made $50k from scratch despite having no coaching experience whatsoever. Here’s how he did it...

Bonus 5: Case Study - Veronica Journey To 100k Without Being An Expert

Veronica used Coaching Business Secrets to make $4k per week without being the “go to” expert in her niche. See how she got a ton of clients on board and got them results.  

Bonus 6: Case Study - Zero To Over $1M

Discover how Jonny was able to make over 100K a month, month after month, by just compounding on one simple process. 

Bonus 7: Get My Proven Funnel For FREE 

Get your own live webinar funnel ready to go that has been tried and tested. This funnel has made millions for me and my clients over the past 5 years. 


Claim Your Copy Today... 

Get your free copy of Coaching Business Secrets… and get all 7 additional bonuses for FREE!

“Out Of Pure Desperation… I Accidentally Discovered The HOLY GRAIL Of Biz-Models For Online Coaches!”

From: Ed J C Smith
London, UK

Dear Coach or Consultant,

If I showed you exactly how to get automated lead flow…

So PRE-SOLD clients message YOU and ask for help every week…

And gladly pay your invoices of AT LEAST $1,500 each…

So you can hit 10k, 20k, and 30k months…

WITHOUT becoming a slave to the social media popularity contest, or 1-to-1 coaching sessions…

Would that make your life and coaching biz run a wee bit smoother? 🙂

Here’s the deal:

Inside Coaching Business Secrets… 

You’ll see the exact steps I took to go from working round the clock to earn $30k/year as a coach…

…to hitting $100k in 30 days without working more hours.

In fact…

I was doing LESS and making way WAY MORE!

See, it’s NOT just about the money.

What’s the point of earning a Doctor or Lawyer’s salary if you’re always working evenings and weekends?!

That’s why I wrote Coaching Business Secrets…

To Show You It’s Possible to Consistently Land $1,500+ Clients in Your Spare Time… And Even Automate The Delivery So You Can Earn More and More… Without Burning Out From 1-to-1 Sessions…

Because not that long ago I was still following all the “traditional” methods most coaches use to find clients online:

  • Building websites
  • Writing blog posts
  • Daily Instagram & Facebooks posts
  • ​Running 5-Day Challenges
  • ​Launching multiple products
  • ​Making YouTube videos
  • ​Doing Lives, Stories, Reels… and don’t forget TikToks! 
  • ​Building a podcast
  • ​DM-stalking strangers (yuck!)
  • ​Creating courses nobody bought (urgh!)
  • ​Giving away free coaching sessions (ouch!)

And After ALL this?

My income was STILL capped-out at $30k/year working 50 hours a week!

And my finances were stretched-out like an elastic band, ready to snap anytime…
I had no time left in the day for anything else. 

It felt like being forced to run a marathon every day of the week...

...with no chance of stopping because there’s always a fresh set of bills about to bounce through the letterbox.

Even worse…

My mum needed an operation which cost £10,000...

With nothing left in the tank...

Where on earth would I ever get this extra 10k from? 

The frustrating thing was…

I knew I had a hell of a lot more to give the world. A LOT more! 

I knew I could help more people if given the chance.

But I was STILL only impacting a handful of clients every year.

I kept thinking:

"There must be a way that I can leverage my ability without feeling like I’m always spinning 12 plates at once…"

After a lot of soul searching…

I came to realise I was copying what the big influencers like Gary Vaynerchuck do…

...without having a team of 20 people in the background to do it all for me!

‘Cos here’s the thing: 

As Much As I Think Some Of These Big Brand Names Are Great, What Works For Them Just Can’t Work for Someone Whose Coaching Business Is NOT At A Certain Point Already…

They have a very different model.

So if us “start-up” coaches copy what they do?

It’s kinda like training to run a marathon for the first time…

But instead of following a beginner’s program...

You’re trying to follow the training regime of a world record holder like Paula Radcliffe…

…which is a disaster waiting to happen!

‘Cos when you follow the wrong “training program”?

It can quickly break your entire body… and your business.


The pressure of needing that extra 10k to help my mum forced me to think differently…

Do the OPPOSITE of everybody else…

And simplify my client-getting approach down to 3 Simple Steps…

As a result?

I threw out the “marathon” model of getting clients and came up with the “100 metre sprint” version instead:

  • ONE automated post
  • ONE sales process
  • ONE high ticket program

That’s it! 

And boy am I glad I did…

Because I didn’t make 10k…

I made $100k in 30 days!

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! 🙂

How To Get Coaching Clients
In The Next 30 Days

Inside I'll share with you exactly how to get coaching clients FAST.

If you're a coach, consultant, or course creator... and you'd like to get new clients daily... this book is for you.

Order Your Free Copy Today 


Next I Started Showing Other Coaches The Same Simple Approach… And They Used It To Land Dream Clients Who Pay 
$1,500-$10,000 EACH… 

…even if they were brand new coaches and NOT “experts” or “celebrities” with years of experience, authority and credibility.

I have 400+ coaching clients getting THEIR clients in ALL types of niches!

  • Weight Loss 
  • Depression
  • Hairdressing
  • Public speaking
  • ​Orgasmology!
  • ​Career coaching
  • ​Fit Pros
  • ​Stress
  • ​Manifesting
  • ​Yoga
  • Diets & Nutrition
  • Business Coaches
  • Real Estate
  • Branding
  • ​Back Pain
  • ​IBS
  • ​ DJs
  • ​Taxes
  • ​Personal development
  • ​Relationships

How was this possible?

Don’t you need to be an expert with a list of credentials longer than your arm to get coaching clients?!

And how were these new coaches able to land motivated clients with deep pockets… even though:

  • Nobody had heard of them before
  • They weren’t spending all their time on social media making content
  • And they didn’t have an existing course or program to sell?

Well, what I realised was this…

5-10 years ago the online coaching industry was still just getting started. 

And back then you could throw together a website, call yourself a “life coach” and maybe land a client or two if you were lucky.

But NOT anymore…

There are more coaches competing online than ever before (especially after Covid…)

And although there’s also more CLIENTS online than ever before… 

Buyer’s “resistance” has gone UP.

And clients are more skeptical…

Which means you must STAND OUT like a sore thumb and sound different from all the other coaches out there!

Because these days any kind of generic “mass market” marketing is going to get ignored and forgotten faster than yesterday’s news.

Just being real.

HOWEVER… here’s the good news…

It’s a simple process to get clients coming to you PRE-SOLD and PRE-QUALIFIED…

When you follow the FIRST strategy I outline in Coaching Business Secrets, and… 

Fix Your Offer & Messaging To Focus Down On ONE Specific Type Of Client With ONE Specific Problem!

‘Cos the truth is…

When you make the right “Killer Offer” to the right person, at the right time?

And you show them a new method and WAY OUT of a painful problem they’re desperate to get rid of?

Then it doesn’t matter if they’ve only just found out about you, or what credentials you have...

They’ll bite your hand off for it!

And they won’t haggle over the price or say “I need to think about it…”

The best part?

You don’t need to “nurture” them with 5-day challenges, endless free daily content, or 90 minute strategy sessions that end with “I need to ask my partner, my priest and my pet poodle!”.


Problem is…

This ONLY works when you get super specific on the ideal problem you solve...

...and precisely WHO you’re doing it for. 

And to do that?

Well, I explain the entire system in step-by-step detail inside Coaching Business Secrets.

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I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my brand new book to your doorstep, ASAP! 

For a limited time only, you can get your copy of my Coaching Business Secrets book today for free 

 PLUS, Get 7 Additional Bonuses For Free

Here’s A Taste Of What You Will Get With Your Copy Of Coaching Business Secrets….

Unlike Other People In The Industry There Is Zero Fluff… Just A Straight Line Approach To Get Clients Fast.

So You Can Grow Your Coaching Business Online Without Overwhelm...

  • The ILLUSION stopping most coaches from turning their coaching dream into a real coaching business (when you understand this, you're already one giant step ahead of the competition). Revealed in Chapter 1
  • Why your coaching business is destined to FAIL from the start if you don’t master the “3 personalities”. Revealed in Chapter 2
  • ONE thing you must have to avoid overwhelm, frustration and burnout in your coaching business - without this you’ll never reach the freedom and finances you deserve. Revealed in Chapter 3
  • WARNING: Don’t invest in a Sales & Marketing coach, course, or agency until you read THIS! You could save yourself thousands of dollars with this information. Revealed in Chapter 4
  • How to get complete CONFIDENCE your coaching business will grow the way you want it to (without getting trapped working IN the business). Revealed in Chapter 5
  • ​​If you’ve struggled to get clients at the level you want AND still “have a life”, Chapter 6 will show you the ONE thing you need to have a profitable lifestyle business.
  • ​The NEW online coaching business opportunity nobody is talking about - and how to take a BIG slice of the pie - even while most new coaches struggle and quit. Revealed in Chapter 7 
  • 3 Core Problems HOLDING YOU BACK from your dream coaching lifestyle (and how to avoid them to bring on clients consistently without posting 24/7, making TikTok videos or sending DMs to strangers). Revealed in Chapter 8
  • Want to sell your coaching program for $1,500-$10k a pop? This is the easiest way to sell coaching to clients who actually have money to invest - but most get it wrong! Revealed in Chapter 9
  • How to use your “3 Pillars” to get clients quickly paying your invoices after ONE consultation call (instead of telling you “I can’t afford it”). Revealed in Chapter 10.
  • Why building your coaching business only using social media is a RECKLESS decision (and how to create an asset which keeps bringing you clients no matter what). Revealed in Chapter 11. 
  • Don’t like posting 24/7 and making videos? Perfect! There’s a special piece of content you can create once and reuse over and over again to set up new client sales. Everything is explained in Chapter 11.
  • The secret to running Paid Ads that don’t EAT all your money! With a Quick Click Ad you can be profitable from Day 1 and immediately get new clients. Find out how in Chapter 12. 
  • ONE thing most coaches are too lazy to do… and yet your income will SPIKE UP when you implement it, because it shows you truly care about your client’s results. Best part? It only takes a couple of minutes per day! Revealed in Chapter 13.
  • FED UP with Consultation Calls ending in “I need to think about it”? There’s ONE thing you should focus on to get clients EAGERLY handing over $1,500-$10k on the call to secure their spot to work with you. Revealed in Chapter 14. 
  • ​Swipe my Million Dollar “CLOSER” Process! Chapter 15 walks you through the entire process to take a client from cold to SOLD in 60 minutes. If all you took away from this book was the CLOSER Process… you could start making high ticket coaching sales without changing anything else in your business.
  • The “pep talk” email I sent to a struggling coach which lit a FIRE under her ass (and now she makes $4k PER WEEK coaching and travelling the world). Read it in Chapter 16.
  • What to do NOW to make your coaching business dream a reality in the fastest way possible. Revealed in Chapter 17.
  • The ILLUSION stopping most coaches from turning their coaching dream into a real coaching business (when you understand this, you're already one giant step ahead of the competition). Revealed in Chapter 1
  • Why your coaching business is destined to FAIL from the start if you don’t master the “3 personalities”. Revealed in Chapter 2
  • ONE thing you must have to avoid overwhelm, frustration and burnout in your coaching business - without this you’ll never reach the freedom and finances you deserve. Revealed in Chapter 3
  • ​WARNING: Don’t invest in a Sales & Marketing coach, course, or agency until you read THIS! You could save yourself thousands of dollars with this information. Revealed in Chapter 4
  • How to get complete CONFIDENCE your coaching business will grow the way you want it to (without getting trapped working IN the business). Revealed in Chapter 5
  • ​​If you’ve struggled to get clients at the level you want AND still “have a life”, Chapter 6 will show you the ONE thing you need to have a profitable lifestyle business.
  • ​The NEW online coaching business opportunity nobody is talking about - and how to take a BIG slice of the pie - even while most new coaches struggle and quit. Revealed in Chapter 7 
  • 3 Core Problems HOLDING YOU BACK from your dream coaching lifestyle (and how to avoid them to bring on clients consistently without posting 24/7, making TikTok videos or sending DMs to strangers). Revealed in Chapter 8
  • Want to sell your coaching program for $1,500-$10k a pop? This is the easiest way to sell coaching to clients who actually have money to invest - but most get it wrong! Revealed in Chapter 9
  • How to use your “3 Pillars” to get clients quickly paying your invoices after ONE consultation call (instead of telling you “I can’t afford it”). Revealed in Chapter 10.
  • Why building your coaching business only using social media is a RECKLESS decision (and how to create an asset which keeps bringing you clients no matter what). Revealed in Chapter 11. 
  • Don’t like posting 24/7 and making videos? Perfect! There’s a special piece of content you can create once and reuse over and over again to set up new client sales. Everything is explained in Chapter 11.
  • The secret to running Paid Ads that don’t EAT all your money! With a Quick Click Ad you can be profitable from Day 1 and immediately get new clients. Find out how in Chapter 12. 
  • ONE thing most coaches are too lazy to do… and yet your income will SPIKE UP when you implement it, because it shows you truly care about your client’s results. Best part? It only takes a couple of minutes per day! Revealed in Chapter 13.
  • FED UP with Consultation Calls ending in “I need to think about it”? There’s ONE thing you should focus on to get clients EAGERLY handing over $1,500-$10k on the call to secure their spot to work with you. Revealed in Chapter 14. 
  • ​Swipe my Million Dollar “CLOSER” Process! Chapter 15 walks you through the entire process to take a client from cold to SOLD in 60 minutes. If all you took away from this book was the CLOSER Process… you could start making high ticket coaching sales without changing anything else in your business. 
  • The “pep talk” email I sent to a struggling coach which lit a FIRE under her ass (and now she makes $4k PER WEEK coaching and travelling the world). Read it in Chapter 16.
  • What to do NOW to make your coaching business dream a reality in the fastest way possible. Revealed in Chapter 17.

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Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

“OK Ed, Let’s Say I’ve Fixed My Offer & Messaging and I’m Getting Clients… Do I Have to Stay Stuck Doing 1-to-1 Zoom Calls for the Rest of My Life?!”

I thought you’d never ask. 🙂

The short answer is NO.

But let me show you WHY you don’t need to be stuck doing 1-to-1 coaching…

And why Coaching Business Secrets is the HOLY GRAIL of business models for coaches and consultants.

Because the truth is… 

Most coaches who do make coaching their Full Time income... which is only around 10% in my experience…


They end up building a business for themselves they grow to HATE.


Because they’re doing so much 1-to-1 coaching… it becomes a BALL & CHAIN for their time, energy and sanity!

Their calendar becomes like a set of multicoloured prison bars…

And all their time is EATEN UP with Zoom sessions where they have to say the same things over and over again.

The solution?

Permanently Separate Your TIME From Your Income By Selling A Digital Product 
(But NOT The Way Most Coaches Do It!)


When you own a digital asset like a course… you can “rent out” the information in your head over and over and over… 

And the money keeps coming in…

Even if you decide not to get out of bed one day or take a well-deserved holiday!


This is where most coaches get things back-to-front…

‘Cos they START their business off by offering low priced courses and digital products between $7 and $37.

And guess what?

Other than a handful of sales here and there? Nobody buys!

Ask me how I know. 🙂

I learned the HARD way that it’s an uphill battle to try and scale a low ticket product when you’re first getting started…

Because you don’t know what your clients really need! 

And what I eventually figured out is…

As a coach it’s WAY more effective to start with 1-to-1 coaching and charge a premium price of $1,500 or more.

This way you can validate there is demand for your offer…

Provide an amazing service…

AND pump some vital, high-profit cashflow into the business!

Off the back of that…

While you DON’T need an existing course or program to get started…

When you have a few client testimonials and case studies?

It’s then much easier to WORK BACKWARDS and “bolt on” digital products once you’re already profitable.

This way you can automate your delivery and scale to 10k, 20k and 30k months.

Make sense?

‘Cos when my client Laura saw the method I teach inside Coaching Business Secrets… she was like:


See, Laura was burnt out from 1-to-1 coaching.

She loved the work, but after leaving her corporate career to coach… she felt like she’d accidentally built another job for herself.


With Coaching Business Secrets?

She was able to keep selling more and more clients into her program… and at higher and higher price points…

WITHOUT ever having to work more hours!

Last time I checked Laura had crossed the 6 Figure mark and is really loving life.

I explain exactly how this “HOLY GRAIL” business model works on Page 18 of Coaching Business Secrets.

Claim Your Free Copy Today... 

 PLUS, Get 7 Additional Bonuses For Free

Claim Your Free Copy Now and Get These FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #1: Secret Webinar Formula


Total Value: $37.00

  • Most coaches fail doing webinars because they get stuck teaching too much "HOW TO" information. Without this hidden formula, most coaches give up because they don't understand the critical way to structure a presentation that not only creates greater sales, but also in turn creates greater results in your clients.   
  • The secret high converting formula that will take your webinar from no sales to high sales so that you can scale your coaching program easily which means that you in turn can run your coaching business with the ultimate safety knowing that you can convert from just one single presentation.  

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Our Coaching Business Secrets Today! 

Bonus #2: Group Coaching Secrets


Total Value: $37.00

  • Most coaches do not know how to go from one to one to one to many. They worry about losing the intimacy that one to one had and they struggle to even think it is possible for them to run group coaching sessions online that will work. In this training you will discover how to make your group coaching sessions work so that your clients get results without losing any of the intimacy that one to one can create.   
  • If you are stuck one to one then you must accept that you will never be able to scale to large numbers. You will discover the secret to group scaling whilst you are able to make sure every single client keeps turning up and getting results through your service. You can finally start hitting those large numbers which means that your income becomes completely scalable. 

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Our Coaching Business Secrets Today! 

Bonus #3: 28K Case Study


Total Value: $97.00

  • Most coaches would love to have an online training however they believe they have to be face to face or one to one. This is what Sarah believed before she went through the process and launched her first online coaching program. 
  • You will discover exactly how Sarah was able to launch her new online coaching program and make 28k in her first month so that you can replicate the same process.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Our Coaching Business Secrets Today! 

Bonus #4: 50K Case Study


Total Value: $97.00

  • Most coaches want to charge high prices but don't have a proven system to follow. They either can't get the clients to pay the price or if they do the clients are not happy with the coaching that is delivered. This training will transform this for you. 
  • Stef was a waiter before he first started but he knew he wanted more from his life and to start his coaching program. You will discover the exact process he went through that allowed him to charge high prices without having a ton of experience and the case study process he went through that allowed him to create a high ticket coaching offer from scratch that worked better than he could ever imagined.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Our Coaching Business Secrets Today! 

Bonus #5 - How To Make Any Niche Work


Total Value: $97.00

  • A lot of coaches don't truly believe they are ever good enough to start their own online coaching program or increase their prices to what they really want to charge. They spend a lifetime collecting certifications and qualifications hoping that will do the job for them. Time passes by and they still have no clients. In this training it will shatter your belief around what is truly possible for you.
  • You will discover exactly how Veronica was able to launch her new online coaching program without being the go to expert in her niche and how she got a ton of clients on board and got them results. 

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Our Coaching Business Secrets Today! 

Bonus #6 - From O To Over A Million


Total Value: $97.00

  • A lot of coaches dream of making an income that far outweighs what they believe is possible. Most will not make that true for themselves. They are either in the wrong business model, do not have the right guidance, or just do not have what it takes.
  • You will discover how Jonny was able to make over 100K a month, month after month, by just compounding on one simple process. Please note: Jonny's results are not typical and most coaches will not put in the effort or time to master their skills to get to this level.  

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Our Coaching Business Secrets Today! 

Bonus #7 - Your Live Webinar Funnel Done For You


Total Value: $97.00

  • Your own live webinar funnel ready to go that has been tried and tested, including: Confirmation page, Order page, Order confirmation page, Replay page, 3 Objection pages.
  • You will get access to one of my highest converting funnels. It's simple, easy to use and allows you to look super professional without over complicating the whole process which reduces your conversions. This is one of our highest converting funnels which is set up in a very specific way to maximise client show up rates to your webinar. We have fully tested and validated this funnel over the last 5 years and you get to have it for FREE.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Our Coaching Business Secrets Today! 

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All we ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage coast of $9.95. 

“The Past 2 Years Have Created WIDE OPEN Opportunities To Enjoy A High-Profit Coaching Business… But 90% Will NEVER Make It. Here’s Why… ”

Since the world got flipped upside down in 2020 due to you-know-what…

I’ve been watching the coaching industry like a hawk.

And I’ve seen firsthand the massive overwhelm and confusion in the market for coaches AND their potential clients. 

Which means there are some WIDE OPEN opportunities right NOW if you’re prepared to do things differently for the rest of 2023. 

See, there's 10X more people buying online than before the C-word started.

As a society we have MORE problems than ever.

And yet we’re all DROWNING in information…

As a result?

Most people have bought a book and not read it.

They’ve bought a program and not started it.

They’ve listened to podcasts and done nothing. 

They’ve listened on Clubhouse and done nothing. 

And so they hit this massive overwhelm, where they either do one of two things: 

  • They GIVE UP on the thing that they want…or…
  • They drive further forward and look for support…

Which is where YOU come in! 🙂

Because it’s NOT enough to simply sell information anymore.

People are crying out for leadership and transformation.

In other words…

They want the personal touch!

And to talk to a real person who cares deeply about their problems and has a unique method to help them fix them.

Which is why…

It’s simple to get high paying clients paying you $1,500+ when you understand the following:

The coaching and consulting industry is not business-to-business (B2B).

And it’s not business-to-consumer (B2C) anymore. 


We’re H2H… human-to-human! 

Which Means the Fastest Way to Make Coaching Sales in 2022 Is to Get Your Clients From Online to OFFLINE as Quickly as Possible!

And have a real conversation with them 1-to-1. 

Because actually speaking to people and understanding their problems on a deep level is a game changer.

Which is why inside Coaching Business Secrets…

I explain exactly how to:

  • Automate your lead flow with ONE social media post
  • Pre-Sell & Pre-Qualify with ONE piece of content
  • ​And sign up clients over ONE Zoom call for $1,500 MINIMUM (no pushy sales tactics required!)

The best part is…

You can do all this even if you're brand new and NOT a “well known” name in your industry! 

Just ask some of my clients who follow the method inside Coaching Business Secrets:

What Are Others Saying About Coaching Business Secrets?

Meryem - 100k in less than 6 monthS

Gary - 100k in less than 2 monthS

kareen - 10k in a DAY

Laura - 22k in less than a month

Rob & Nick - 90k in less than a month

Lesley - 25k in less than a month

Nilesh - 53k in less than a month

Viv - 37k in less than a month

Rebecca - 10k in less than a month

SERHAT - 10k in less than a month

Tiare - 10k in less than a month

Delsina - 63K CONTRACT

Colin 10G – 36.5K IN 3 MONTHS 

Naim - 11.8k in less than a month

Laura - 26k in less than a month

Kiley - 10k in less than a month

Kimblery - 10k in less than a month

Jennifer - 10k in less than a month

Helena - 10k in less than a month

JaCquEline - 10k in less than a month

Blaze - 12.6k in less than a month

Coran - 10k in less than a month

Dati - 10k in less than a month

Dawn -10k in less than a month

Jens - 10k in less than a month

Elysia - 10k in 10 DAYS

Laura - 111K

Lauren - 20k in 2 WEEKS

Louise - 20k in a month

Phil - 17k in less than a month

As You Can See...

Coaching Business Secrets Has Helped Countless Coaches Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

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Now, at this point you might be thinking…

“OK Ed, Sounds Great In Theory… But Isn’t Automating Lead Flow Risky?!”

I hear ya.

And you could be right?

But before you close the door on this opportunity for good, consider this…

I’ve invested in a bunch of different “traditional” businesses in my life, including:

* A beauty salon

* A fried chicken restaurant franchise

* A protein-bar brand

* A property portfolio

And let me tell you…

Those businesses were HARD! 

And none of them came ANYWHERE NEAR to the Return On Investment (ROI) you can get as an online coach, simply by talking to people and selling the information in your head.

For example:

When you follow the simple approach I outline in Coaching Business Secrets…

It’s NOT uncommon to turn $300 into $1,500.

That’s $300 in ad spend over 30 days… to get one high paying client.

Which is a 500% return! 

And that doesn’t even include the future payments you are likely to receive from that ONE client.

Now, compare that to a property portfolio… 

Because according to data website Statista…

The average annual ROI of the real estate sector is between 4.1% and 7.3%.

Not sure about you?

But I know where I’d rather put my money!

Of course, with coaching you also DON’T need a huge lump sum to get started.

“OK Ed, That Makes Sense… But What’s The Catch?!”

Bottom Line?

I believe we are living in the best time EVER to enjoy a high profit, low maintenance virtual coaching business.

But ONLY if you’re prepared to think and act differently to all the other coaches out there…

And IMPLEMENT the “holy grail” business model I outline in Coaching Business Secrets.

Which is why I’m putting my money where my mouth is…

And offering the book and ALL 7 bonuses for free. All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs of $9.95.

This way you can see for yourself how effective my simple approach to getting clients really is…

…without risking a four figures upfront like most coaches ask for!

“Here Is Our Unconditional Money Back Guarantee...” 

I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book, or I'll return your $9.95 and let you keep the book and all of the bonuses anyway. 

Simply email us or call the number on your receipt and we'll give you back your money with no question asked ... and we'll let you keep everything included... as our gift to you.
Does that sound fair to you?

Here's EVERYTHING You Get When You Order 'Coaching Business Secrets' Today!

  • The Secret Webinar Formula ($37.00 Value)
  • Group Coaching Secrets ($37.00 Value)
  • 28K Case Study ($97.00 Value)
  • ​50K Case Study ($97.00 Value)
  • ​How To Make Any Niche Work ($97.00 Value)
  • From O To Over A Million ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Your Live Webinar Funnel Done For You ($97.00 Value)
  • The Secret Webinar Formula ($37.00 Value)
  • Group Coaching Secrets ($37.00 Value)
  • 28K Case Study ($97.00 Value)
  • ​50K Case Study ($97.00 Value)
  • ​How To Make Any Niche Work ($97.00 Value)
  • From O To Over A Million ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Your Live Webinar Funnel Done For You ($97.00 Value)

Total Value: $559.00

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Thank You For Reading… And I Hope You Enjoy The Book!  

No matter what happens...
Never give up on your dreams.
- Ed J C Smith

PS. If you’re still on the fence, here’s the deal…

Right now you can get my book Coaching Business Secrets for FREE. Yes, this book is free, and all you pay is $9.95 for shipping and handling anywhere in the world. 

Inside you’ll find everything you need to know to STOP wasting time on social media and get high paying clients FAST.

For example, you’ll discover how to:

1. Fix your offer and messaging to call out an ideal client with an ideal problem

2. Fix your sales process to close pre-qualified clients paying $1,500+ from one Zoom call

3. And fix and automate your delivery so you get amazing client results without working 35-40 hours a week

So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won't regret it. 

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  • The Secret Webinar Formula ($37.00 Value)
  • Group Coaching Secrets ($37.00 Value)
  • 28K Case Study ($97.00 Value)
  • ​50K Case Study ($97.00 Value)
  • ​How To Make Any Niche Work ($97.00 Value)
  • From O To Over A Million ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Your Live Webinar Funnel Done For You ($97.00 Value)
  • The Secret Webinar Formula ($37.00 Value)
  • Group Coaching Secrets ($37.00 Value)
  • 28K Case Study ($97.00 Value)
  • ​50K Case Study ($97.00 Value)
  • ​How To Make Any Niche Work ($97.00 Value)
  • From O To Over A Million ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Your Live Webinar Funnel Done For You ($97.00 Value)

Total Value: $559.00

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers
We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in commitment, adding value and serving others, and that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only. Not all results are typical. If you have questions, email info@championacademy.co.uk. We look forward to you joining the Clients On Automation Community where we believe integrity and honesty are of the upmost importance in life. No matter what happens, never give up on your dreams.